Frequently asked questions about Home Care services

We are sure you have many questions to ask about the home care services we provide and we have listed here the ones that come up the most. We are always happy to give you more information if there is something not covered here. If you would like to know more about anything then please just request a call-back or send us a message using our contact form.

How do I arrange a care service with Peak Home Assist Ltd?

Contact us via email or telephone to arrange a meeting, either at our office or the service users home, the decision is entirely yours. We are happy to work with you so your loved ones receive the right care package.

What if I don’t like my care package or want to make changes?

In our experience our service user’s care needs change often over time and therefore we understand the service users care package will change also. We will review the service users care plans regularly and notify you if their care package needs changing.

What tasks will the home care worker carry out?
Once the service users care plan is put into effect and our care staff team have been informed they will be given a work list of the service users individual needs and requirements, please see details of our service package.
Is there anything that my care worker is not able to do?

Once an agreed plan of care has been implemented, our carers will have a list of tasks to complete at each visit. If there are tasks that have not been included at the time of assessment, our carer will contact us and seek advice and provide you with an answer. Our carers are not able to give injections, change dressings or under maintenance tasks for your property.

Will I have the same care worker every day?

This will depend on the staff rota; if a member of staff is on holiday then we will assign another member of our team to the service user. We like all of our staff to be familiar with our service users and to build trusting relationships with them also. If the service user requires a set carer we will discuss this with the particular member of staff and yourselves at the time.

What about personal security?

Every member of staff we employ goes through an enhanced DBS check before they start to ensure our service users are safe within their own homes. We provide our staff with identification cards and uniforms showing their name and job title.

How can I be sure the care is carried out and the carer does not leave early?

We use our up to date technology care system which will enable us to track our care staff and the tasks they carry out in our office. All information on our care system is secure and safe at all times.

How do I pay for my care?
There are funding options in relation to the care and support we provide. These are:
  • Local Authority Funding (Managed Service) – This is agreed with the local authority following a social services needs assessment.
  • Direct Payment – This is where the Service User manages their funding, however, the funding is provided by the local authority following a social services needs assessment.
  • Self-funded or Private – This is where the Service User funds their own care and support. With self-funded care packages, Peak Home Assist will email your invoice weekly, which can then be paid by bank transfer or standing order. We do not accept cheques or cash.
How much are your services?

We charge for services in line with local authority rates and any self-funded or private packages are competitively priced. Fees will be discussed at the time of enquiry and at the time of assessment.